

by on Dez..09, 2007, under green

Ist ein lustiger Spaghetti Eastern mit Don Rispetto, der auf der Berlinale 2000 gezeigt wurde und den ich von ihm zum Verlinken für seine MySpace Homepage in die Finger gekriegt habe.

Unfortunately the movie has german subtitles only, and it contains Italian, Turkish and German audio, thus below the movies you’ll find a little abstract.

Finimondo Teil 1:

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Finimondo Teil 2:

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It’s a Spaghetti Eastern about two Italian workers in a bar in Berlin Hohenschönhausen (eastern part of the city), who discuss what to do with their time.

One of them, Cosimo, wants to try out German sausages, which offends the other one called Gino, who’s into cruising down the Ku’damm and picking up some women. They decide to do one after another and first head for a snack bar sausage raid.

Funnily, they stop at one of the many snack bars in Berlin run by Turkish people, and therefore experience an unexpected communication problem, because only Cosimo speaks little German. Gino is so lost in the situation, that he asks during the raid, whether the woman behind the counter speaks Sardinian. Finally they get the sausages and leave.

In the end Gino can’t cope with the sausage and empties his stomach and Gino is still thrilled by the raid experience and replays the whole situation again and again, while on their way to Ku’damm. -Fin-

Einen Frohen dritten Advent.


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