
showing all yellow posts:

Dinge, die ich aus Indien nicht vermissen werde

by on Apr..27, 2016, under yellow

Man sitzt ahnungslos am Strand, plötzlich macht es Krack, Zuuuuup und plumps und ein Palmen Blatt aus vormals 5m Höhe landet neben einem …. und danach ein Teppich aus Staub, Sand und sonstigem Dreck…. Ein Glück haben wir 2m weiter rechts gesessen.


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Hallo Bruce :-)

by on März.11, 2013, under yellow

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Macbook triple boot MBR fix

by on Apr..01, 2012, under yellow

As stated in previous posts my Laptop is set up with the Refit boot manager to use three operating systems.

After reinstalling GNU/Linux recently (to take a look at mint), refit would not boot anymore and show an error message about not finding the partition.

Trying to resync the GPT and MBR partion tables fails with „Analysis inconclusive. Partition will not be touched“. Also Windows would not start and instead show a message, that the bootloader files have been altered and one should try a repair with the recovery console 🙁 (continue reading…)

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Big Bang Theory fortune cookies

by on Mai.01, 2009, under yellow

Today I looked for Big Bang Theory fortunes to integrate into my website. I couldn’t find any, therefore I created one. Have fun and place them in /usr/share/games/fortunes.

… and have a happy 1st May 🙂

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MythTV UserJob: MythMailNotify

by on Apr..20, 2009, under yellow

I’m a happy MythTV user and I love the keyword based recording, which means that the system matches programs to record in the electronic program guide by keywords I have scheduled and surprises me – sometimes in both ways 😛 – everyday. If I’m not too busy to look at the recorded programs …

I’m actually not much a TV person (it got better again since I have MythTV and it strips the commercials so well) and I don’t have the time to check out the program guide on a regular basis to see what was recorded.

Thus I looked at other programs I use: why not simply send a mail, when a new recording is in. I looked for an option in MythTV and  if someone else on the net had the same idea and maybe posted something. But I couldn’t find anything, except for UserJobs, which are being executed after recording and I already had used before. (continue reading…)

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Journey to Santa Rosa

by on Dez..03, 2007, under yellow

Finally my new macbook has arrived, it was overdue since the iBook 2,2 with 700MHz has become pretty slow and of course, is now well supported by Linux. Therefore everything worked and I couldn’t fiddle around with it any longer and actually had to do some work with it ;-P (continue reading…)

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schnee am 11.11.

by on Nov..11, 2007, under yellow

jetzt liegt hier uberall schnee, das war aber ein kurzer november 🙂
Allerdings ist in der Stadt ja immer die Frage: „Wie lange ?“ sehr hilfreich, damit klar zu kommen, dass er sich schnell in Modder und Dreck verwandelt.
Da hilft nur raus nach JotWeeDee … für den Schnee.

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by on Nov..08, 2007, under yellow

Es wird kaelter.
Es wird dunkler und man sollte es sich gemuetlich einrichten um den Uebergang von der hellen Sommerzeit zur dunkleren Winterzeit hinzubekommen. Dann uebersteht man die Winterzeit sehr gut und ehe man sich versieht ist 21.12. und die Tage werden wieder laenger 🙂

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fortune cookie

BOFH excuse #43:

boss forgot system password


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